
Semiconductor / Electronic components

Semiconductor devices are manufactured by repeating processes such as film deposition, photoresist exposure, etching, and ion implantation on a wafer. Many of these processes are performed, and their results are inspected in a vacuum environment. Dry Vacuum Pumps are used for medium and low vacuum processes, and Turbo Molecular Pumps and cryo pumps are used for high vacuum processes.


For etching, vacuum pumps must have corrosion resistance to the gases used, temperature control to prevent by-product deposition, high throughput performance for large amounts of process gas, and cooling capacity for generated heat. Installation flexibility is also essential.


Our TGkine® MI-B series, TGkine® MI-R series, and TG-MI series turbo molecular pumps have high pumping speed, corrosion resistance, temperature control capability, high throughput performance, cooling capacity, and installation flexibility.


Our TG-ML series ultra-low-vibration magnetically levitated turbo molecular pumps are used in lithography or CD-SEM and TEM equipment for measuring nanofabricated structures. They are clean and have the highest low-vibration performance.

Recommended pumps

Sputtering, PVD



Dry Etching, ALE

Ion Implantation

Metrology, Inspection