

Flat panel displays are manufactured by repeating processes such as sputtering, CVD, photoresist exposure, etching, and ion implantation on large glass or plastic substrates. Many processes require a vacuum.


The sputtering process requires the pumps to have high pumping speed, throughput performance for heavy Ar gas, and tolerance to coating dust. Our TGkine®-B series, TGkine®-R series, and TG-M series magnetically levitated turbo molecular pumps and TG-F series grease-lubricated ball-bearing turbo molecular pumps are suitable for these applications.


The etching process requires the pumps to handle reaction products and corrosive gases and to have high throughput and cooling capacity. We offer the ER series multi-root dry vacuum pumps compatible with corrosive gases and the TGkine®MI-B series, TGkine®MI-R series, and TG-MI series magnetically levitated turbo molecular pumps equipped with temperature control to reduce byproduct deposition.


The TG-ML series ultra-low vibration type magnetically levitated turbomolecular pumps are used in inspection equipment such as CD-SEM and TEM.

Recommended pumps




Ion Implantation

Liquid Crystal Dripping and Lamination